50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth

Publication Year
Issue Period
Environmental Science, Conservation, Environmental protection -- Citizen participation. Environnemen 
Printed on recycled paper and dedicated to those not-yet born, this book provides information about practices and products with the aim of looking after the world. - from Amzon

Offers suggestions and advice on how to become an environmentally conscious consumer, discussing recycling, conservation, and sources of pollution in the home.

The greenhouse effect --
Air pollution --
Ozone depletion --
Hazardous waste --
Acid rain --
Vanishing wildlife --
Groundwater pollution --
All that garbage --
Saving energey and water, saving the Earth --
Stop junk mail --
Snip six-pack rings --
Use a clean detergent --
Aerate your faucet --
New ingredients --
Tanks but not tanks --
Make a phone call --
Brush up on paint --
Time to re-tire --
Home on the range --
Don't go with the flow --
Gas station ecology --
The twilight ozone --
Your gas is as good as mine --
Recharge your batteries --
Attention shoppers --
Find the hidden toxics --
Leave it a lawn --
Stamp out styrofoam --
It's a beach --
Buyer beware --
Pests and pets --
Make it a royal flush --
Air-power your shower --
Recycle motor oil --
Tune up the heat --
Light right --
Don't let go --
Reuse old news --
Recycle glass --
Don't can your aluminum --
Precycle --
Use cloth diapers --
Put it to work at work --
Recycle the rest --
Build a backyard wildlife refuge --
Help protect the rainforests --
The great escape --
Plant a tree --
Prevent pests naturally --
What a waste --
Carpool to work --
Start composting --
Install a graywater tank --
Drive less --
Eat low on the food chain --
Start a recycling program --
Xeriscape --
Stay involved --
Spread the word. 
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